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无题 - Accelerationism

2021/04/29 (四) 16:54:09

#加速王 It is very important to speed up the "top speed ol". Whether it is turning or going straight, it is essential to speed up. This time, we will bring you a summary of the "top speed ol" acceleration skills, teach you how to use nitrogen and turbine guide, and learn quickly.
If there are no mistakes in the same track, who can win depends on the choice of route, who is closer to the inner circle and who has the shortest route. On the other hand, the method and timing of acceleration. A good timing of acceleration can make you reach the highest speed faster or exit the curve faster, so as to surpass your opponent.
Therefore, today I will summarize the various acceleration techniques in nfsol.

Ordinary nitrogen accelerates the wandering stars

Normal nitrogen acceleration is the basic skill to start nfsol. It can help your vehicle speed up faster, and especially for this nitrogen set up the perfect start three seconds unlimited nitrogen.

The way to accumulate is to drift, jump and follow the car. The use of turbines in rafting does not accumulate nitrogen, while the use of turbines in leaping does not accumulate nitrogen.

Recommended use: it must be used in the first three seconds; Use the small drift of the foot brake and nitrogen when leaving the curve, which can adjust the body to compensate for the speed lost in the curve.

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2021/04/25 (日) 02:06:36






Top speed: heat acceleration - Accelerationism

2021/04/22 (四) 10:26:38

#加速王 It is very important to speed up the "top speed ol". Whether it is turning or going straight, it is essential to speed up. This time, we will bring you a summary of the "top speed ol" acceleration skills, teach you how to use nitrogen and turbine guide, and learn quickly.
If there are no mistakes in the same track, who can win depends on the choice of route, who is closer to the inner circle and who has the shortest route. On the other hand, the method and timing of acceleration. A good timing of acceleration can make you reach the highest speed faster or exit the curve faster, so as to surpass your opponent.
Therefore, today I will summarize the various acceleration techniques in nfsol.

Ordinary nitrogen accelerates the wandering stars

Normal nitrogen acceleration is the basic skill to start nfsol. It can help your vehicle speed up faster, and especially for this nitrogen set up the perfect start three seconds unlimited nitrogen.

The way to accumulate is to drift, jump and follow the car. The use of turbines in rafting does not accumulate nitrogen, while the use of turbines in leaping does not accumulate nitrogen.

Recommended use: it must be used in the first three seconds; Use the small drift of the foot brake and nitrogen when leaving the curve, which can adjust the body to compensate for the speed lost in the curve.

The Future is the Past: The Failure of Accelerationism - Accelerationism

2021/04/15 (四) 10:38:09

Rosa Janis takes on all the different tendencies of the intellectual fad of ‘Accelerationism’ and reveals the poverty of their visions of a better future and contradictory beliefs. An emancipatory movement must develop a vision of a better future without internalizing the logic of capitalism.

by Rosa Janis on 2018.09.15 at Cosmonaut

There is a major difference between what is now called ‘accelerationism’ and its utopian futurist influences from the early 20th century: whether human reason is powerful enough to not only overcome the conditions of capitalism but ultimately the biological limits of humanity itself. “Big-A” Accelerationism, on the other hand, is devoid of human reason as a force of history: capitalism’s tendency to uproot and reconfigure (“deterritorialization” in Deleuze-talk) destroys not only Humanity but the concept of agency altogether. The disagreement on human reason makes the similarities between so-called early “accelerationisms” and accelerationism proper almost completely superficial, as these philosophical differences are the difference between communist utopia and cyberpunk hellscape. Where technology allows humankind to transcend its limitations in early “accelerationisms”, technology in Landian Accelerationism is an alien force that consumes all of humanity.

Therefore we find it helpful to use a completely different term categorize the early “accelerationisms”. We shall instead use the term “Speculative Utopianism” to refer to them, these materialists who nonetheless preserved a utopian imaginary for a future world. One might wince at the term utopian being used positive manner, as the fathers of communism Marx and Engels used the word as an insult to their opponents. But then again, Marx replaced the Hegel’s concept of spirit with the agency of the proletariat and brought Hegelian-idealist emancipatory desires into the material realm of class struggle. Here I will use the term ‘utopian’ to describe people who are not necessarily futurist mystics who reject material reality: but, rather, in the sense of speculative fiction writers who take the social relations and forces of production that already exist in our reality, and seek to build upon them towards a new world. Since the experience of ‘actually existing socialism’ defines the perception of communism amongst most people (including other supposed communists) it might be necessary to imagine what communism would look like in more detail than Marx and Engels attempted in the Critique of the Gotha Programme. For example, the failure of central planning in the Soviet bloc means that envisioning an alternative system of planning becomes more important in order to make the communist project viable.

无题 - Accelerationism

2021/04/07 (三) 17:23:17

s acceleration a condition for a final collapse of power?

Acceleration is the essential feature of capitalist growth: productivity increase implies an intensification in the rhythm of production and exploitation. The accelerationist hypothesis, nevertheless, points out the contradictory implications of the process of intensification, emphasizing in particular the instability that acceleration brings into the capitalist system. Contra this hypothesis, however, my answer to the question of whether acceleration marks a final collapse of power is quite simply: no. Because the power of capital is not based on stability. Naomi Klein has explained capitalism’s ability to profit from catastrophe. Furthermore, capitalist power, in the age of complexity, is not based on slow, rational, conscious decisions, but on embedded automatisms which do not move at the speed of the human brain. Rather, they move at the speed of the catastrophic process itself.

Cover of semiotex(e)’s magazine with protester and inverted May ’68 slogan.

But the accelerationist hypothesis can be read from a different—more interesting—angle, as a particular version of the radical immanence in the philosophical dimension of contemporary Spinozian communist thought.

I can refer to Hardt and Negri’s books. Here, the transition beyond the sphere of capitalist domination is conceived in terms of a full deployment of the tendencies implied in the present forms of production and life. Acceleration in this framework can be viewed as the full implementation of those tendencies that lead to the deployment of the inner potencies contained in the present form of capitalism.

In Empire, Hardt and Negri reject the deceptive pretense of an anti-globalist return to national sovereignty, and remark on the analogy between the globalizing empire of post-national politics and the potency of the internet, which can be viewed as the realization of the potency of the general intellect.

We can also find this rejection of any nostalgia for the slowness of a pre-capitalist past in the work of Deleuze and Guattari. In Anti-Oedipus, the rejection assumes the schizoid perspective: the schizoid is the accelerating pace of the Unconscious. Schizophrenia is all about speed: the speed of the surrounding universe in relation to the speed of mental interpretation. Yet there is no dimension of mental normalcy to restore, and in Anti-Oedipus, schizophrenia is both the metaphor of capitalism and the methodology of revolutionary action:

But which is the revolutionary path? Is there one?—To withdraw from the world market, as Samir Amin advises Third World countries to do, in a curious revival of the fascist “economic solution”? Or might it be to go in the opposite direction? To go still further, that is, in the movement of the market, of decoding and deterritorialization? For perhaps the flows are not yet de territorialized enough, not decoded enough, from the viewpoint of a theory and a practice of a highly schizophrenic character. Not to withdraw from the process, but to go further, to “accelerate the process,” as Nietzsche put it: in this matter, the truth is that we haven't seen anything yet.

A popular ‘68 slogan did say: “Cours camarade, le vieux monde est derrière toi!—Run comrade, the old world is behind you!” But the evolution of Deleuze and Guattari’s thought shows a displacement of this point of view: in the last chapter of What is Philosophy?, a book they wrote twenty years after Anti-Oedipus, we read the following:

We require just a little order to protect us from chaos. Nothing is more distressing than a thought that escapes itself, than ideas that fly off, that disappear hardly formed, already eroded by forgetfulness or precipitated into others that we no longer master.

What happened between the two books? Is it that the authors aged, their bodies weakening and their brains becoming slower? Maybe, but this isn’t where the answer lies. The answer lies in the passage from 1972 to 1992, the two decades separating the publication of Anti-Oedipus from the publication of What is Philosophy?. During this period, economic globalization and the Info-tech revolution intensified the effects of acceleration on the desiring body.

The final chapter of What is Philosophy? concerns the crucial relation between chaos and the brain, and this is the best point of view from which to understand the effects of the accelerating machine on social subjectivity.

The reciprocal implication of desire and capitalist development can be properly understood through the concept of schizo deterritorialization. But when it comes to the process of the recomposition of subjectivity and the formation of social solidarity, acceleration implies the submission of the Unconscious to the globalized machine. If we investigate acceleration from the point of view of sensibility and the desiring body, we see that chaos is the painful perception of speed, and acceleration is the chaotic factor leading to the spasm that Guattari speaks about in Chaosmosis.

Acceleration is one of the features of capitalist subjugation. The Unconscious is submitted to the ever increasing pace of the Infosphere, and this form of subsumption is painful—it generates panic before finally destroying any possible form of autonomous subjectivation.

Accelerationism in America: Threat Perceptions - Accelerationism

2021/04/01 (四) 12:36:22

Accelerationism is an ideologically agnostic doctrine of violent and non-violent actions taken to exploit contradictions intrinsic to a political system to “accelerate” its destruction through the friction caused by its features. Unlike vanguardism or coups d’état, dissolution of the system through accelerationism must come from mechanisms within the system itself. The actions of the revolutionaries provide the accelerant. The doctrine includes terrorism, insurgency, guerilla warfare, and political and media manipulation.

Aspiring revolutionaries originating in fascist, socialist, and anarchist communities are forming coalitions of extremists and extremist groups across interest groups and ideologies on forums and social media platforms. These individuals are mobilizing compatriots for online and offline action. They share a desire for the dissolution of liberal democracy and global capitalism. The coalitional entities coordinate activities and logistics with other groups within their respective milieus and act as funnels for local insurrectionary cells. Accelerationists also co-opt niche affinity groups like QAnon conspiracy theorists and involuntary celibates. Entryists pretending to be members of the targeted communities radicalize users, recruit, incite violence, and inspire other subversive activities.

ノルマなし 安全な副業です - 安心の簡単在宅ワークで副収入 URL

2021/03/29 (一) 19:43:32










加速主義美学 - Accelerationism

2021/03/24 (三) 17:16:48


セフレを探すセックス目的の男女の出会い掲示板。人妻出会い - 人妻セフレ出会い,熟女セフレ出会い

2021/03/20 (六) 23:13:09






Accelerationism: the obscure idea inspiring white supremacist killers around the world - Accelerationism

2021/03/18 (四) 17:08:48

Blaze Bernstein, age 19 at the time of his murder, loved to cook.

Before he traveled back to his home in California for the 2017-’18 winter break, the University of Pennsylvania sophomore had been elected managing editor of a campus cooking publication called Penn Appétit. It’s a position he ended up never filling.

On the morning of January 2, his parents noticed that he’d left their house in the Orange County community of Foothill Ranch and tried to contact him. When he didn’t respond, they checked his Snapchat account and found messages between their son and Sam Woodward, a former high school classmate. The two had planned to hang out at a local park.

Bernstein, who was gay and Jewish, texted friends that he and Woodward were meeting for a sexual encounter. Less than a week later, investigators discovered Bernstein’s body in the park, hidden by a tree branch and a mound of dirt. He had been stabbed 19 times in the neck.

Authorities quickly identified Woodward as a suspect and found Bernstein’s blood in his car and on a knife in his possession. They learned that Woodward was a member of Atomwaffen Division — one of the most extreme neo-Nazi groups in the country. He was arrested; he pleaded not guilty and is still awaiting trial.

The local Jewish community center celebrated Bernstein’s memory by naming its cooking school in his honor. Atomwaffen celebrated Woodward by making T-shirts emblazoned with his mugshot.

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